Internet Freelancing — Slumming for Work in the Digital Age

Greetings all, the name’s Croyd.  I’m the other half of this adventure, and I’ll be exploring some of the writing opportunities the Internet has to offer.  As most aspiring writers have already discovered, finding legitimate online employment isn’t a task for the faint of heart.  Do a search for ‘freelance writing jobs’, and the first ten hits either send you to some sort of writing workshop or the usual job sites with real jobs that require real experience, e.g., Simply Hired, etc.  If you’re really daring, or desperate enough, you actually have a look at what else Google found.  It’s a scary plunge, but you’ve nothing left to lose right?  You click over to the second page, hoping that Google missed that perfect site just this once, and there it is.  Despair.  Staring you right in the face.



No one is suggesting that entry-level writing employment doesn’t exist, it does.  Finding reputable employers interested in developing a freelance writer’s skills, however, is akin to discovering a starving author’s integrity.  That’s not even considering the question of payment for the amount of time required to research, write, and edit that Shakespearean-like article you wrote.

Thus, the questions before us are:

A)  What’s out there?

B)  How do I get a shot at it?

C)  Does it pay?  Followed closely by, is the payment in a U.S. recognized currency?

Throughout this journey, I will document my attempts at freelancing the internet.  I’ll pick a site, job posting, or agency, and lay out my experiences from start to finish.  Expect to find a range of possibilities here, because I’m going to run the gamut.  I’ll hit up the employers with good reputations, as well as the ‘sweat shops,’ and an obvious scam or two just for the hell of it.  For those of you who are blissfully unaware of the ‘work from home’ industry that smears itself all over our digital home, I can only assume that you’re new ‘round these parts, so let me be the first to say, “Hi!  Welcome to the internet!“  The other possibility is that you’re a six-year-old child, in which case, fuck you, kid.